Crucial Steps To Knowing Which Clients To Focus: Your Tier 1 Clients

Loading Growth | Crucial Steps To Knowing Which Clients To Focus: Your Tier 1 Clients

The boss, employees, and clients, each of these are essential figures in business. However, when we talk about growth and expansion, we cannot deny the fact that clients hold the biggest share. The better their engagement, the better the cash flow in the business.    

Like the famous saying, “It takes months to find a customer and seconds to lose”. This is the reason why they’re highly regarded and even given perks to stay. But did you know that there are these so-called tier 1 clients on whom you need to put your focus for the betterment of your business? Learn more below.  


Understand what Tier 1 Clients are 

When you hear the word “tier” perhaps the first thing that comes to your mind is a cake. Well, like cakes, clients can also be classified with tiers.  Here are some information below to help you get a better understanding of their class: 


Tier 3 Clients 

  • These are the type of customers or clients who has an eye for their money’s value. If you’re a business owner, clients like this will expect you to produce a product or service that is equal to their money’s worth. The good thing about them is they are loyal and generous in spending once you get they get hooked on the product or service. 


Tier 2 Clients 

  • These are the type of customer or clients who considers design in their purchase as well as the quality of the product. If you’re in the department store, they are the ones who dig in for information like the manufacturer, materials used, life span, and the uniqueness of the design. 


Tier 1 Clients 

  • Clients of this type are the hardest to please. If tier 2 and 3 clients focus on design and product quality, they are the ones who like to get more and expect more from the company or brand. Most of the time, tier 1 clients, demand discounts, freebies, perks, and does a lot of complaints.  


Get Trained From Experts  

Dealing with tier 1 clients could be draining especially for first-timers in the world of business. Some companies even had to shut down for good after their painful loss from negative revenue. To stay afloat, hiring a consultant or undergoing training would be the best option. Fitting to this criteria is the Loading Growth Company. Be it consultation, training with your team, the essential information in IT business, tricks, and tips, you’ll get it best from its founder Ian Markram. Loading Growth offers the amazing programs below that will help you and your business grow exponentially.  

LG90 Program 

This program will help your IT business acquire high-converting leads that can effectively improve sales. LG90 program will help you focus on other areas of your business as it provides proper lead generation strategies.  


Everest 12 Program 

If you want to get track of your IT service firm’s growth, this is the best program to avail. What makes this special is its annual action-centered program that serves its purpose to help businesses acquire a customized growth plan fitting ideally for the business.  


Loading growth is committed to its mission to help businesses grow. No need to worry about the expenses because they offer flexible payment and perks. The main question is, are you ready to grow? Send your message now to for your inquiries. Or avail of their free 45-minute strategy session by filling out the form. For IT business inspirations, you can also check out their educational blogs 


Learn How to Spot One 

Tier 2 and 3 clients are easier to spot. However, facing Tier 1 clients are another story. As a business owner, you got to level up your game to deal with them as they can cause a greater headache in the future. Here’s how you can spot one.  


Demanding Karen 

It’s normal for clients to convey their demands and as a business body, it is our responsibility to comply. However, tier 1 clients love to appeal to MORE demands. Sometimes their demand seeks more time to be accomplished but would require you to complete it in a short time. Sometimes they can be too picky with the product that they often ask for revisions. 


Laine the Complaint 

It was mentioned earlier that tier 1 clients have plenty of time to complain. It seems to them that they have all the rights and privileges. They either criticize the way the products look, how the service goes or their experience. Some even use intimidation to get what they want for less. The worst is when they make fake accusations to redeem compensations or refunds. 


Discount Daniel 

Loading Growth | Crucial Steps To Knowing Which Clients To Focus: Your Tier 1 Clients

Tier 1 clients love to bargain deals. They sometimes find a defect in the product or services to accumulate discounts. Some would go straight for this request. 


Blame Game 

Some tier 1 clients do the shortcut. Meaning to say, they don’t pay attention to what they are availing of, and when things go wrong, they resort to blaming. 


Buckle Up 

Clients are easier to classify according to their tier. Based on the characterizations and descriptions we’ve provided, tier 2 and 3 clients aren’t easy to please but aren’t more crucial to deal with compared to tier 1 clients.  It would be beneficial if you prepare and master the game to secure your assets.  


Prepare to outsmart 

Their game could be a little tricky and pressuring, but overthinking won’t help you win. The best way to deal with them is to outsmart them. But how? The manifesting behaviors of the tier 1 clients we’ve shared will help you prepare for your next move. Here are some tips: 

  • Observe and listen 
  • Remember their points 
  • Determine where the conversation is leading 
  • Do not be intimidated and rather communicate calmly 


Master your business 

Loading Growth | Crucial Steps To Knowing Which Clients To Focus: Your Tier 1 Clients

Tier 1 clients like Laine the complaint and demanding Karen focus on the flaws. They have their eyes on every detail you share or how your business is presented. It is your primary obligation to master how your business works, the quality of your service or product, as well as the performance of your employees. Tier 1 clients will listen if they’re aware that you’re in control. Check out these tips below on how you can get it done: 

  • Pay attention to your products and services 
  • Be involved in the process 
  • Schedule a weekly meeting with your employees
  • Get track of your business  


Stand firm 

It’s not just your patience and decision-making that will be tested by these clients. There will come a point where you have to stand firm in your business decisions and your values. Tier 1 clients sometimes resort to the blame game, so it is practical and justifiable to defend the reputation of your business by standing firm.  


Turn down if the situation requires it 

It’s not wrong to turn down if your company or business is facing a threat. We may uphold the “customers are always right”, but remember that is a point where we need to draw a line and put unreasonable clients in their place. By this, you will cut away from negativity and future losses. Here are some sample scenarios where you can apply this. 

  • if the request is unreasonable 
  • demands that will bring negative income 
  • impossible deadline 
  • disrespecting or abusive client    



Customer satisfaction is essential in keeping the business running smoothly. To maintain this, it is imperative to put our best effort into our clients. Now that you’ve learned that clients can be classified into 3 tiers, it would be easier for you to determine where your clients belong. We hope that you find this article helpful as we provided tips on how to spot and deal with your tier 1 clients!   

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