‘What you should learn from the previous year.’
The best way to measure the achievements and areas to work on in the business is through an annual review or end-of-year review. It is also a great determiner if the goal is achieved. Changes are inevitable in business, that’s a fact. From time to time different challenges or circumstances arise which affect the performance of the employees, production, sales flow, and everything connected to each. Monthly reports are great contributors to every end-of-year review as it encapsulates the necessary details of the operation.
But what are the most important aspects of an end-of-year review? This is the valuable information that will be tackled in this article. Plow through to get a grasp of 2022’s business lessons that will help you become a smart business!

Feedback is a blessing in disguise. It’s normal to feel offended when someone gives a bad rating on your business or receives a bashing. Feedbacks are one of the aspects of an end-of-year review. But believe it or not, there are crumbs of wisdom behind those harsh criticisms. This criticism from a customer expressed through feedback helps a smart business strategize or formulate a solution to the pain point. Feedback can also be good, so cheer up. Good feedback from customers generates positive energy in the business as it clearly shows that customers or clients are satisfied with the products or services provided. Here’s how feedback helps a smart business.
Guide for Improvement
As mentioned earlier, feedback helps a client express his or her experience with the service or product that a certain business provides. These are usually unfiltered and have a common goal to express dismay or call for attention. One of 2022’s business lessons is to continue to reinvent or innovate. This can be done successfully by taking into consideration of the negative feedback as a guide for improvement. And with the help of business consultants like Loading Growth, businesses can easily change negative feedback to positive.
Helps Build Trust
Feedbacks count as one of the aspects of an end-of-year review for they help build client trust in the business. How? Many people are tired of commercials, advertisements, and good words from endorsers. With the purpose of getting their money’s worth, customers dig in for real and unfiltered feedback from previous customers. This feedback then affects the perception of the customer to the business and the decision to engage. So technically, a good amount of positive feedback helps build trust. This matter is one of the fortes of Loading Growth. Numerous big and small businesses, with their help, discovered the best way to accelerate their business growth.
Attracts More Clients
With positive feedback from the clients, more clients choose to engage in the business. Clients become curious about the experience that the previous clients enjoyed. This creates the perception of needs and wants. And speaking of clients, one of the programs of Loading Growth, The LG90 Program, offers to help businesses acquire high-converting leads that effectively improves sales. This is a perk on the business owner’s side as it allows them to focus on other areas of their business. LG90 program also teaches proper lead generation strategies for smart business.
Re-evaluating the responsibilities given to the business’s teams is also one of the important aspects of an end-of-year review. The founder of Loading Growth, Ian Markram, teaches in his one-on-one session the importance of having the right people in the business. The team’s performance affects the productivity and sales flow of the business. This is why, Markram, includes training in employees in order to upskill and become more efficient in their roles. By re-evaluating the responsibilities given to the team, a smart business can:
- Foster growth and development
- Improve the leadership of senior employees
- Give incentive or recognition to top-performing teams
- Promote good work quality
- Initiate good work relationship
- Prevent litigation or other issues
- Helps in making complex business decisions
Other important aspects of an end-of-year review are the target. This helps a smart business determine its status in achieving its target goal, income, performance, production, or whatever is set. It also shows the growth of the business. Though it may sound like a lot of work to do, Loading Growth makes this task easy. With its Everest 12 Program, business owners can track their IT service firm’s growth. This also helps in acquiring customized growth plans fitting the needs and giving solutions to the pain points of the business. There is nothing more satisfying than to end the year with a target accomplished! Make this possible by hiring the best partner for your business. Learn lead generation strategies and accelerate your business’s growth with Loading Growth. Send your message to info@loadinggrowth.com for your inquiries or visit their website. You can also avail yourself of their free 45-minute strategy session by filling out the form.
One of 2022’s business lessons is the power of affiliates. They become so famous that the word “collab” has been often used in promotions, advertisements, and social media content. Affiliates serve as channels for a smart business. It helps generate more leads and improve the business’s profitability. Being one of the most important aspects of an end-of-year review, it is necessary to review if the existing affiliates are effective and serving their greatest purpose. Here are the qualities that a smart business should look for in an affiliate.
Efficiently Creates Brand Awareness
As an affiliate, they should be able to build the brand for your target customers. It is their responsibility to make the product or service visible or noticed by potential customers.
Consistent and Organized
The way that an affiliate conveys the message of the brand should be engaging and consistent over time. This can be ensured if they are organized in their job as well as knowledgeable in the field.
- Creative and Open to Suggestions
Affiliates are creative in nature. They seek different techniques in order to provide competitive results. They make sure that the contents, graphics, advertisements, and promotions are balanced, attention-grabbing, and relatable. They also seek suggestions and collect feedback in order to improve their output.
Love what you do and do what you love, this is one of the valuable business lessons that makes a smart business thrive in the industry. Likewise, an affiliate should be passionate in what it does and values the contribution of every team member.
Patient and has a Good Background
The affiliates are considered part of the business. If anything goes wrong with their promotions or advertisements, as well as their performance in responding to potential clients, the business is also affected. This is why it is important to look for an affiliate with a good background.
Record keeping is one of the most important aspects of an end-of-year review. This enables a smart business to highlight the areas that need to be worked out and plan ahead to solve other potential conflicts. 2022’s business lessons encourage a smart business to become meticulous in record-keeping and put every important detail in reports made. Here’s what should be included in the record-keeping.
- Accomplishments
- Strengths of the business
- Weak points or pain points
- Performance of the employees
- Resources and Expenses
- Actions taken
- Goals or target
There are plenty of business lessons that a smart business can adopt every year. These important aspects of an end-of-year review bridge the gap between the solution and dilemma of businesses. May 2022’s business lessons brought hope and awaken your desire to improve the flow of your business!