What Motivates S Style?
- Relationships and appreciation
How does the S Style display feelings?
- They are emotionally warm people
- Generally have a strong circle of friends who they relate to
How does the S Style interact?
- Tend not to initiate relationships
- Good listener
- They ask ‘how’ and who’ questions
What about the person? The S style is:
- Quiet
- Shy
- Steady
- Submissive
- Speaks softly and slowly
- Internalize pain
- Hate to stand out in the crowd
- Puts others first
- Great listeners
- Very sensitive and unselfish
- Predominantly pessimistic
- Early for appointments, very rarely late
- Is loyal, patient, secretive and comforting
How do you sell a S Style?
- Be early
- Be honest, kind and genuine
- Focus on safety and security
- Talk a little softer and slower
Ask more rapport building questions - Give more of yourself, they want to hear about you
- Don’t push
What Motivates C Style?
- Being right, quality
How does the C Style display feelings?
- Through control, however cautious
- Does not say or reveal much
How does the C Style interact?
- Good listener
- Ask ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions
What about the person? The C style is:
- Quiet
- Controlled
- Deep thinkers
- Analyse, study and research ‘everything’
- Exact and precise
- Accurate and scientific
- Computerized and robotic
- Cold and intolerant
- Punctual and organised
- Unresponsive and insensitive
- Systemised
How do you sell an C Style?
- Be on time
- Be more serious
- Speak softly, don’t let your body language be over the top
- Humour needs to be witty, quick and clever
- No flattery
- Have proof of success of your product or service
- Provide written research, stats or data
- Listen very carefully and don’t repeat yourself